Pricing Policies
Pricing Policies and Procedures
Revised December 19, 2023
Transactional rates are subject to change with a 4-calendar-day notice.
All rates are ramp-to-ramp and subject to fuel surcharge and per diem.
Rate and fuel surcharge calculation are based on the date of rail billing/waybill to COFC.
Restricted commodities, hazardous materials, paper rolls and household goods require approval, prior to loading, and may require a higher rate.
Special Pricing Quote
COFC has the ability to commit to pricing and capacity for up to 12 months.
An SPQ request must have a minimum volume of 2 loads per week.
SPQ requests must be submitted through the pricing portal.
Requests may take up to 5 business days to process.
Rate offers are valid for 7 business days and will be rescinded if not accepted or a future start date is not supplied.
Once an offer is accepted and the SPQ is published, customers have 14 business days to begin moving the stated volume.
SPQs are BCO and lane specific. Once an SPQ is published, transactional rates cannot be utilized for that BCO and lane. Any SPQs rail billed transactionally will be reinvoiced for the SPQ amount and assessed a $25 administrative fee.
SPQs do not guarantee capacity.
All SPQs will be reviewed for periodically for usage and volume compliance. SPQs with no movement in a calendar month may be cancelled.
Any SPQ used to ship product for a BCO that was not approved for the SPQ will be canceled immediately. Misdeclared BCOs involved in a claim will be denied.
An administrative fee of $25 will be assessed for any updates to cancellations, billing or invoices